Priority Ticket Offer
This January it all begins again! On January 12th, members on the Priority List will receive their invitation to attend BorderCon 2024. This list is currently being curated and updated.
BorderCon will take place this year from Friday the 7th of June through to Monday the 10th of June.
All Priority Members will have until Sunday the 28th of January to accept their ticket allocation (or part of their ticket allocation if they do not require all of their allocation). Any tickets not accepted will be added to the Public Ticket Pool. We plan to invite 180 guests this year.
The Public Ticket Pool will go live on Friday the 2nd of February (which is the first Friday of February) at 8pm (EST). This will be open to all members of the public.
Details and information regarding the Priority and Public Ticket Offers (ticket platform, web addresses etc) will be made available via our website here and the BorderCon Facebook Page..
Please direct any questions to the -
The BorderCon Team